We are an Easter People

By Sister Mary Scholastica, O.C.D.

In reflecting upon the readings for today, the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles where Phillip meets the Ethiopian eunuch, shows concretely what it means to be an “Easter people”. An Easter people being men and women who have met the Lord personally, have journeyed with Him in life and death, believe whole-heartedly and have experienced His Resurrection. They are carried away and led by the Spirit. Their lives, their presence can’t help but be a light and their fire ignites a fire in the hearts of those they encounter.

Let us take a look at some excerpts from the first reading today…

“The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip…So he got up and set out….The Spirit said to Philip…Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah, the prophet and said…Then Philip opened his mouth…he proclaimed Jesus to him…As they traveled along the road…and he baptized him….When they came out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, but continued on his way rejoicing. Philip came to Azotus and went about proclaiming the good news to all the towns until he reached Caesarea.”

In this truncated version of the reading, you can’t help but be amazed by the transformation of this man (Phillip) who only a short while ago was locked in a room with the other apostles gripped by fear. To be in such an internal place where the Spirit speaks to you, guides you, moves you. To be in such a place where you know and respond without hesitation. To go wherever sent, when sent and in the manner sent. To speak boldly and with conviction. To be in such a place that God can be with you and use you in that way. Amazing.

This is the transformation that you and I are called to.

We, you and I, are called to be an Easter people. We have seen the Lord, have come to deeply know Him. He has walked the road to Calvary and invited us to accompany Him. He died and rose from the dead and He has appeared to us in His risen glory to show that true life has conquered death. You are, by witnesses to the Risen Lord, another Phillip in today’s world. Let the Spirit move you. Respond without hesitation. Light a fire in others simply by being attentive to His movements within your heart and letting Him guide you.

The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed!

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