Sister Grace Helena, O.C.D.

Sister Grace Helena
of the Divine Mercy (Musich), O.C.D.

“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
In Him was life and the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.”
(John 1:1,4-5)

With joy the Carmelite Sisters
of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles invite you to

A Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving
Sunday, June 25, 2023
3:30 p.m.
Mass of Thanksgiving
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
555 West Temple St.
Los Angeles, California 90012

Archbishop José H. Gómez

Reception and Jubilarian Greeting
following the Mass
Carmelite Sisters Motherhouse
920 East Alhambra Road
Alhambra, California 91801

Get to know Sister:

Where did you grow up?

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan until I was 12 years old; then, my family moved to Tucson, AZ. I claim both states😊

As you look back through the years of your religious life, what rises to the surface?

Our Lord is faithful. He is trustworthy. His love holds everything. The beauty and gift of His love is found in every moment ~ and each moment can hold either the cross or a beautiful rose, both are gift because it is offered by Love Himself in order to draw me closer to Him, to His Heart. These past 25 years are innumerable in grace and gift: in my consecration to our Lord in Carmel, in the support and love given and received in Community, in the constant learning and growing (which does not end, it only deepens, widens, and becomes clearer) as His child and His bride to trust deeply in the truth that He is unbounded in His mercy. Deep gratitude fills my heart.

When you hear the word Authentic, what comes to mind when you think of your vocation to this religious family?

Allowing the Lord to transform, convert, purify the areas of my heart and life which need to be aligned more perfectly with His Heart and designs for my life – it is a lifelong process – and in this walk, seeing my frailty and my goodness in the light of His love, goodness, and mercy. As this journey continues, I believe the authentic beauty which emerges is that each sister in my community holds the other’s journey as sacred and beautiful because it is the Holy Spirit who is being allowed to direct each heart, and in our times of darkness and light, we are loved and accepted, and we are growing at the pace the Lord has set for each – but, we are all growing – individually and together