Sister Faustina

What is Formation?

What is Formation?

When a young woman is considering the possibility of entering Religious Life, one of the greatest fears that her parents confront is that their daughter will lose her most unique and beautiful and precious traits. They may wonder, “Will the Nuns brainwash my daughter? Will they make her a robot or clone? What means of coercion do they use? Dangling from the toes? Bread and water for weeks? Solitary confinement? What really happens behind those walls!!!”

Mercy on the MOVE

Mercy on the MOVE

The Divine Mercy image beautifully depicts Jesus’ burning zeal to pour out His mercy upon humanity. On February 22, 1931, Jesus appeared to St. Faustina and gave her a special mandate. In this vision He wore a white robe which was drawn slightly aside at the breast.