Jesus at Calvary on Cross with soldiers around Him

A Personal Reflection on Easter

by Sister Timothy Marie, O.C.D.

Easter! What comes to mind

An Easter egg hunt? Those darling bunny rabbits?

Little chicks breaking out of eggs? “Spring” break?


What a sad commentary on our culture! As precious as those cute little chicks are, and how very much students – well to be honest, the teachers as well – need those breaks, what happened to the essential, original miracle of on that early Easter morning so long ago?

Where did Easter go? When and how did it secularize so dramatically?

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once wrote that one day as he was traveling, he happened to be seated next to man who was a non-Christian. A well-educated, well-mannered, and well-intentioned person is how Archbishop Sheen described him. As he continued with his story of that plane flight, the Archbishop heard this fellow passenger say, “I’ve read about Christianity. I admire Catholicism greatly, But something holds me back from joining the Church. In all my dealings with Catholics, I don’t see their behavior matching their beliefs. IF I BELIEVED THAT JESUS WAS TRULY IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, I WOULD CRAWL ON MY HANDS AND KNEES TO REACH THE TABERNACLE AND BOW BEFORE HIM.”

I’m of the opinion that most of us Catholics, especially cradle-Catholics like I am, take so many of our beliefs for granted. This Easter season let us dig deeply into the rich soil of our Catholic Faith. Allow the Holy Spirit to rain down his graces upon us, and fill us again with that courage, zeal and passionate conviction that our culture needs. Our culture NEEDS the gospel message…

…that Jesus IS our Lord and Savior; that He truly did RISE FROM THE DEAD, and that through His resurrection we have been set free. WE HAVE BEEN SET FREE!

This is the true meaning of Easter.

This is my Easter reflection and it gives me such joy to share it with you. Happy and Blessed Easter!

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