Statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Why Mary?

By Sister Antonia Teresa

Many people who are not Catholic or who do not understand the teachings of the Catholic Church often have many questions about the devotion, love, and reverence that Catholics show to Our Blessed Mother. Why do we honor and show such regard for Our Blessed Lady? Why Mary?

The number one reason is Jesus himself.  He bequeathed His mother to us as He gave up His life for us on the cross. In addition to leaving us with the Eucharist, his own Body and Blood, the ordained priesthood, and the other Sacraments, Jesus left His most precious possession to us, His own mother — forever.  Showing great love for the gift He Himself gave is in itself a way of loving and honoring Him.

Another reason is that Mary was the human person closest to Jesus and His mission in his lifetime…why would that change in eternity?  We can turn to Mary in any need or for any reason because we know that she will take all our intentions straight to the Heart of her Son. We ask each other for prayers all the time!  Why wouldn’t we ask the one closest to the Heart of Christ, His own mother?

Let us always remain close to the heart of Mary our Mother. Let us continue to honor, reverence, and show great love to her who is so great and beautiful a gift from the Heart of Christ.

O Mary our Mother, intercede for us now and forever!

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